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Hello, I am Juma currently 22 whilst writing this in March of 2023. I graduated with a Bachelors in Games Programming in the middle of 2022 and as you can guess I am mainly a Game developer however I also have a huge interest in graphics programming. I generally like to work in anything relating to 3D environments & sometimes back-end stuff. Most of my work resides in Games, Metaverse, 3D Modelling, Editing, & doing Technical Art etc.

I dont like saying the standard "I am passionate about X" so I'm just going to say I easily have over 10,000+ hours of time spent in computer games across my lifetime. I loved games ever since I was a child, and the decision to work on games as a adult is definitly what I enjoy doing the most, no regrets.

Future Aspirations

In the future I wish to specialize in graphics development as I discovered it's the most fun I had programming in a while. I want to get better at any shading language to write good shaders & work with atleast one graphics specification such as OpenGL, DirectX, & Vulkan. My favourite companies / places I dream to work at would be any triple-A games company such as Blizzard, Ubisoft, Valve, & Riot. Nvidia also sounds like a fun place to work at but the requirements are extreme to enter, but hey this is just my list :).

My Planned Roadmap (Graphics)


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