🎭 Mirrors ❤️ My first game using a 3D Engine ❤️

🎭 Mirrors ❤️ My first game using a 3D Engine ❤️

Intro to Mirrors
Hidden Key in Mirrors
Starting Level
Puzzle Door

I solely placed this project in my website for personal reasons, this is my first ever game I have created in Unity & was very happy when I completed it at the time.

Mirrors is a adventure & puzzle game features the player with a ally that looks the same as himself the player and the ally need to get out of the dimension they have been placed in.

Funnily enough I used these 2 songs for the game Old RuneScape Soundtrack: Harmony & The X Files Theme Song. It’s probably the feeling of the song harmony that makes you feel like a kid again when playing a game.

Everything about the code structure of this game is horrid since its my first game & was learning but if you really want to see it click that > Mirrors on Github. Project was made in Unity 2018.4 LTS.

Juma Al Remeithi

Juma Al Remeithi

Game Developer & Graphics Enthusiast